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Nordic Open Science on the agenda in Stockholm

These were a few of the questions being discussed during the Nordic Open Science Conference 15-16 November 2018 in Stockholm.

The general purpose of the conference was to provide an opportunity for researchers, policymakers, universities, research councils and other active organisations from the Nordic countries to meet and exchange experiences and ideas relating to open science.

The two-day conference was held in conjunction with Sweden's Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in order to strengthen Nordic collaboration within this area, and organised by the Swedish Research Council in collaboration with NordForsk and the National Library of Sweden. Sven Stafström, Director General of the Swedish Research Council,  Gunilla Herdenberg, National Librarian of the National Library of Sweden, and Arne Flåøyen, Director of NordForsk, welcomed all the participants, before Malin Cederfeldt Östberg, State Secretary of the Swedish Ministry of Education and Research, opened the conference.

Jean-Claude Burgelman, Head of Unit of DG Research and Innovation at the European Commission, and Ola Rosling, President and Co-founder of Gapminder Foundation, held keynote speeches and the conference programme also included several panel discussions.