Solar cells on the roof of Aalto University.
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Pre-announcement for upcoming call for proposals on the Green Transition

For a successful green transition, new and research-based knowledge is paramount. In this Nordic-Baltic initiative, the focus is on three topics which are all important in the work towards a just green transition.

The first topic calls for new insights on energy efficient, resilient, and sustainable food systems. The second topic addresses the importance of including gender perspectives in the green transition, for it to be just, effective, and long-lasting. The third topic concerns democratic engagement and citizen-involvement in the green transition.

Each application must be submitted to only one of the three topics of the call. 

The Green Transition call focuses on central features of our societies, such as equality, democratic engagement, participation, and representation. Moreover, it addresses an urgent need for the Nordic-Baltic region to find more energy efficient and sustainable food systems. The call provides an opportunity for researchers to investigate different practices within and between the Nordic and Baltic regions, and through comparative approaches to identify similarities, differences, common challenges and best practices. 

Who can apply? 

The host institution (Project Owner) for the research project must be an established research performing organisation. A research performing organisation is a legal entity which is a university, university college or a research institute, and is characterised by the following: 

  • A primary goal to independently conduct fundamental research and/or applied research and or research-based innovation where results are published. 
  • The entity may be private or public but must not pay out dividends from its activities. 
  • The entity must have significant production of academic, published research. 

The Nordic and Baltic funding agencies have allocated their funding to the respective topics of the call. The call is funded by a virtual common pot where the national funding agencies will fund project partners from their own countries only. Which partners that can apply for funding therefore depends on which of the following call topics to which the proposal is submitted. 

Energy Efficiency in the Food Systems for a Green Transition 

To build resilient food systems and enable a green transition in the Nordic and Baltic food production, greater energy efficiency, extended use of renewable energy sources and reduction of use fossil fuels will be key factors. In many areas the Nordic and Baltic food systems share many common features, and an increased cooperation to reduce energy use, find novel technologies for increasing efficiency and sources of renewables to reduce the consumption and fossil fuels can speed up the transition. 

  • Project partners that apply for funding under this topic must be from the following countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, and Sweden. Partners from other countries may participate with their own funding. 
  • The research project must include partners from research performing organisations in three of the countries listed above, of which at least two must be Nordic. 
  • The intention is to fund at least two proposals under this topic. 

Climate and Gender Perspectives 

The call topic addresses the interlinkage between gender equality and environmental sustainability and how gender equality can be a resource in the green transition. It should lead to important new knowledge on current challenges such as how to reduce gender-segregation in the labour market and create inclusive green jobs and educational opportunities, and how to ensure representation, empowerment, and influence of women in all their diversity in relevant sectors such as energy and innovation and in climate change decision making at all levels in the Nordic and Baltic countries and internationally. 

  • Project partners that apply for funding under this topic must be from the following countries: Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, and Sweden. Partners from other countries may participate with their own funding. 
  • The research project must include partners from research performing organisations in three of the countries listed above, of which at least two must be Nordic. 
  • The intention is to fund at least one proposal under this topic. 

Democratic Engagement and Citizen-Involvement in Green Transition 

The Nordic and Baltic countries need to speed up the transition to a fossil-free energy system to meet national and international climate goals and avoid dramatic negative effects of climate change. This will require major changes of the patterns of energy production and consumption. At the same time, there are several negative consequences to consider, such as such as urban proximity to large energy constructions like power plants, wind turbines, power lines or fields of solar panels, as well as environmental impact of these constructions. In this call topic, researchers are invited to investigate public democratic engagement in the political process towards new green energy investment and production and explore how projects and processes in Nordic and Baltic contexts have succeeded or failed in enabling a broader involvement of stakeholders and citizens.  

  • Project partners that apply for funding under this topic must be from the following countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, Norway, and Sweden. Partners from other countries may participate with their own funding. 
  • The research project must include partners from research performing organisations in at least three Nordic countries, or at least two Nordic countries and Lithuania. 
  • The intention is to fund at least four proposals under this topic. 

We plan to open the call by the end of August 2023, with deadline in November 2023. The maximum amount of funding that may be sought will be 15 MNOK. The project duration is three to four years. 

Please note that the details of the call in the pre-announcement may be subject to change, and the final details will be provided in the call text. 


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Bjørnar Solhaug Komissar

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