Nordic added value

NordForsk funded projects create Nordic added value in a number of ways. For example, by enhancing the scientific quality and building critical expertise at the Nordic level.

We have devised our own definition of Nordic added value to be used when developing initiatives, designing calls for proposals, assessing grant applications and reporting impact.

In all, we have 11 categories of how research create Nordic added value. Our projects create Nordic added value within all the different categories.

The Nordic added value reported here is all time cumulative live data.

Read more about Nordic added value at

A bar chart titled 'Nordic added value reported by Societal Security projects'. The chart displays various attributes with corresponding red bars indicating their values on a scale of 1 to 9. The attributes and their values are:

'Build on particular strengths of Nordic researchers' with a value of 9.
'Enhance scientific quality' with a value of 6.
'Lead to regional mobility and networking among the Nordic countries' with a value of 5.
'Build critical mass and/or expertise' with a value of 5.
'Increase the chances EU-/international of success' with a value of 2.
'Cost-effectiveness by sharing infrastructure or data' with a value of 2.
'Utilise data from uniquely Nordic registries' with a value of 6.
'Address needs that are unique to the Nordic countries' with a value of 6.
'Focus on specific phenomena in the Nordic region' with a value of 6.
'More results and stronger quality assured conclusions' with a value of 4.