Musical Climate Art for a Sound Future

How can livelihoods of Greenlandic locals and musicians benefit from climate-related changes? Which kinds of social networks are needed for support?

A collaborative team of non-indigenous and indigenous researchers, music industry professionals and knowledge-bearers will study historical Inuit Greenlandic musics, and popular music genres in order to ask: As sad as climate change is, can indigenous musicians use their skills to benefit in some way? Greenland and indigenous Greenlanders are very much in international attention right now, but as victims, like the other indigenous peoples disproportionately affected by climate change.

We will take a strength-based approach to indigenous Greenlanders meeting climate change that we hope benefits Greenlanders artistically and economically, while proving informative to academics collaborating with indigenous groups on climate change adaptation.

We aim to support the social and economic sustainability of indigenous Greenlandic musicians during climate change, while at the same time exploring music - climate change relationships.


Kyösti Lempa

Kyösti Lempa
