Policy on Open Access

Open Access to publications
Project Leaders are responsible for ensuring that the project’s research results are made available through open access within six (6) months of publication.

If publication takes place through parallel publication in open institutional repositories, then the project research results must be deposited at the time of publication and be openly accessible within six (6) months.

NordForsk may grant an extension of the time of deposit up to twelve (12) months, provided that the project manager can clearly document that reasonable efforts has been made to comply with the six-month publication requirement.

Open access applies to research results in scientifically peer-reviewed articles published in journals and conference reports. The obligation to enable open access to the research results does not apply to monographs and book chapters.

If the publisher has paid an open-access fee, the publication must be published with the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY).

NordForsk funding can be used to cover costs for publishing in open access journals

Open Access to data
Research-generated data shall be considered available to the general public after the Project has been concluded, unless special circumstances indicate otherwise, or terms of contract or public regulations prevent it. NordForsk therefore recommends that research data is managed to fullfill the FAIR principles and published in a certified repository after the Project has been concluded.