Project monitoring and reporting
NordForsk has two monitoring systems: One for annual and progress reports, and one for research impact assessment.
Annual reports
All projects must submit annual reports to NordForsk in accordance with the specifications in the contract.
For projects funded under calls with a virtual common pot, projects are also required to submit progress reports to their national funders in keeping with national rules and regulations.
The annual reporting is conducted at our web portal for calls and project reporting.
Research impact assessment in Researchfish
NordForsk uses the online database Researchfish to gather information about the outputs, outcomes and impact of the research we fund.
Researchfish allows us to collect consistent data on the impact of the research we fund. We use this data to share what has been achieved through our research funding schemes with the Nordic community, it helps us to evaluate the outcomes of our funding and it helps us to document the Nordic added value of the research we fund.
NordForsk gives access to all project leaders to Researchfish.