Technologies of Humility Pamphlet Publication A socially sustainable Nordic region Urban 10.10.2024 Pamphlet with Policy Recommendations for Sustainable and Smart City Planning.
Technologies of Humility Publication A socially sustainable Nordic region Urban A green Nordic region 04.10.2024 Synthesis Essay on Sustainable Urban Development and Smart Cities.
Nordic Added Value in Inter-ministerial Nordic Co-operation Publication A competitive Nordic region A green Nordic region A socially sustainable Nordic region 05.09.2024 Past and Present Perspectives
NordForsk Impact Report 2024 Publication Research impact 13.06.2024 Overview of results and effects reported by active NordForsk funded projects reported in our submission period 2024. The report contains data on publications, policy influence, dissemination activities and other impact indicators.
A Nordic initiative for research and innovation on responsible and ethical use of Artificial Intelligence Publication A competitive Nordic region A socially sustainable Nordic region 08.05.2024 A NORDHORCS discussion paper
Nordic perspectives on research impact Publication Research impact 23.04.2024 This report explores how research funding institutions in the Nordic countries define and measure the impact of research.
Nordic societal security in Times of Crises Publication A socially sustainable Nordic region Societal security 02.04.2024 Key takeaways from the societal security event arranged by NordForsk.
Nordic research infrastructure collaboration Publication A competitive Nordic region A green Nordic region 07.02.2024 Recommendations for common Nordic activities