Mission group 2 – Open Nordic University

To bundle and utilize the collective skills and resources from the national universities and educational institutions. This can for example be achieved by developing and maturing the concept for an Open Nordic University that is digitally accessible to all citizens in the Nordic region with a primary focus on continuing education.
A presentation on the work by mission group 2
Four perspectives on the mission
Outcome sketch for the mission group
Read a detailed description of the background, process and outcome sketch (draft) for the mission group.
Members of the mission group
- Anne Borg (Chair), Rector, NTNU
- Bodil Aurstad, Senior advisor, NordForsk
- Kristin Vinje, Chief Executive, NOKUT
- Anders Bjarklev, President, Technical University of Denmark
- Camilla Gregersen, Chairperson, Danish Association of Masters and PhDs
- Stina Vrang Elias, CEO, Think Tank DEA
- Jan-Ingvar Jönsson, Vice-Chancellor, Linköping University
- Nils Karlsson, President & CEO, Ratio
- Riikka Heikinheimo, Director, Confederation of Finnish Industries