Open Invitation

NordForsk Open Invitation is a flexible mechanism that enables the national research funding organisations to set the NordForsk research agenda.

Via Open Invitation, research funding organisations can propose new Nordic research programmes or extensions of existing programmes administered by NordForsk.

The joint Nordic initiatives are administered by NordForsk but are largely governed by national research funding organisations that are members of the decision-making bodies (Programme Committees). NordForsk’s role is to facilitate the collaborations initiated by Nordic research funding organisations.

Together with NordForsk, the research funding organisations are tasked with creating joint Nordic research programmes of the highest international quality that also create Nordic added value.

New initiatives for joint Nordic research
Four times a year NordForsk accepts new proposals for joint Nordic research initiatives via Open Invitation (Expression of Interest).

At least 2/3 of a joint Nordic research programme’s budget is to come from national research funding organisations, and at least three Nordic countries are to participate in the initiative. Alternatively, two Nordic countries and one of the Nordic autonomous regions (the Faroe Islands, Greenland or Åland) may participate.

NordForsk provides funding for up to 1/3 of a programme’s total budget. NordForsk will be responsible for the administration of the programme/initiative.

For more information, please contact the NordForsk administration.