PRECISE: A health economic approach to evaluate uncertain evidence in personalised medicine

The potential of personalised medicine to improve patient outcomes has been recognized in various national and international health care policies. An important barrier to the uptake of personalised medicine in clinical practice is in meeting the requirements of payer and reimbursement agencies in healthcare. Limitations in the evidence base for personalised medicine have led to considerable uncertainty surrounding the added value and costs of novel technologies. The greater complexity in evaluating the added value and costs of diagnostic methods and tailored treatment strategies requires an improvement of existing health economic methodology and national guidelines. Without a sufficient health economic evidence base and policy framework, decision makers risk making incorrect coverage decisions for novel technologies that may result in an inefficient use of healthcare resources and reduced patient health benefits.

PRECISE will contribute to improved healthcare decisions that facilitate the implementation of cost-effective interventions for personalised medicine in clinical practice. PRECISE will improve decision making by developing novel health economic methods to handle uncertain evidence and heterogeneity when evaluating the benefits and costs of personalised medicine. PRECISE will generate new health economic evidence based on real case studies that address important healthcare decisions. A close collaboration with Nordic healthcare decision makers provides a platform for improving national pharmacoeconomic guidelines and achieving policy impact.

The PRECISE consortium comprises an international team of world-leading experts in health economics, statistics, clinical medicine, and high-level governmental decision makers.

PRECISE is implemented following a carefully defined work plan. Involvement and participation of academia, policy makers, industry and patient organizations is fully integrated from the start untill delivery of the project. Methods and real case studies are developed parallel to organised stakeholder meetings, allowing for reiterations of methods and ensuring policy relevance. Existing infrastructures and collaborations between HTA and regulatory agencies, such as FINOSE and EUnetHTA, will enable sharing of methods and knowledge across European agencies for health technology assessment.


Maria Nilsson

Maria Nilsson

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