The Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC)


NeIC works to accelerate the development and provisioning of cost-effective, best-in-class e-Infrastructure services beyond national capabilities.

The mission of NeIC is to enhance the productivity of researchers in the Nordic region beyond national efforts through new services, pooling competencies and sharing the resources of national e-Infrastructure providers. NeIC wishes to strengthen partnerships and prospects for long-term funding through active stakeholder dialogue to promote sustainable services.


The collaboration was originally launched in 2003. As a response to a decision by the research funding agencies in the Nordic countries, a Nordic data grid test facility (NDGF) was established to contribute to a distributed computing infrastructure for analysing and storing the data generated by experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research.

The NDGF pilot has since matured into the successful deployment of the first and only distributed Tier-1 service within the WLCG (Worldwide LHC Computing Grid) collaboration, and has served as a role model for regional collaboration. Today, the Nordic Tier-1 activity is hosted by NeIC.

NordForsk has been the host organisation for NeIC since 2012 when it was first established. The NordForsk Board has delegated the responsibility for strategic decisions regarding computing and data-storage infrastructure and reaction to upcoming opportunities to the NeIC Board.

NeIC has its own website and here you can find all NeIC activities as well as news.


The NeIC Board is responsible for setting NeIC’s strategic priorities, and reports to the NordForsk Board annually and otherwise on request:

  • Hans Karlsson, Director, Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC), Sweden (Chair)
  • Gitte Julin Kudsk, CEO, Danish e-infrastructure Cooperation (DeiC), Denmark
  • Pekka Lehtovuori, Director, Services for Research, CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd, Finland
  • Jón Ingi Einarsson, Director, RHnet, Iceland
  • Hans A. Eide, Special Advisor, UNINETT Sigma2 AS, Norway
  • Ivar Koppel, Head of Centre, Estonian Scientific Computing Infrastructure (ETAIS), Estonia.

Organisation and Management

NeIC is managed by an Executive team chaired by the NeIC Director. In collaboration with national e-Infrastructure providers and user-community representatives, NeIC engages IT experts to participate in projects and operational activities. Projects are selected by the NeIC Board in accordance with the present strategy.


NeIC budget for 2021, approx. NOK 77,5 million.

  • National funding: 15,5 MNOK
  • NordForsk funding: 20 MNOK
  • European funding (EOSC-Nordic): 19,5 MNOK
  • Partner in-kind funding: 22,5 MNOK

Call timeline



Gudmund Høst

Director of the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC)