Workshop: Photo by Moa Karlberg/Norden
Photo by Moa Karlberg/Norden

106 applications under call for proposals for funding covering a series of Nordic exploratory workshops

All the applications will now be evaluated by a peer-review panel of international experts.

Chair of NOS-HS, Terje Lohndal, is very excited with the number of received applications and says:

”With this call we wanted to highlight the importance of strengthening the Nordic cooperation within the humanities and social sciences. Though the applications demonstrate a gender balance among the project leaders, we also see that mainly among female researchers within the humanities and social sciences there seems to be a need for this support."

Focus areas

The primary objective of the workshops will be to support the development of new researcher- and curiosity-driven research areas and programmes within the humanities and social sciences in the Nordic countries.

Furthermore, the NOS-HS objectives for explorative workshops are to:

  • encourage the inclusion of junior scholars and actors from outside academia in Nordic social sciences and humanities networks
  • promote curiosity-driven and novel bottom-up research
  • promote Nordic added value in research
  • include researchers from all career stages to develop new networks
  • encourage early-career researchers to have active roles
  • include actors from outside academia when appropriate
  • support planning stages of large-scale projects

Funding partners

In addition to NordForsk the call is funded by the NOS-HS member organisations:

  • Academy of Finland, Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Independent Research Fund Denmark – Social Sciences
  • Independent Research Fund Denmark – Humanities
  • Swedish Research Council
  • Rannis
  • The Research Council of Norway

Decision timeline

The decision on which workshops are to be granted funding is likely to be December 2022. The workshops will probably start in early 2023.


Bodil Aurstad. Photo: NordForsk

Bodil Aurstad

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