vaccine medicine health

NordForsk received 17 grant applications for the call for Nordic Health Data Research Projects on COVID-19

A total of 17 grant applications were submitted to NordForsk under the call. These include researchers from all the Nordic countries, Estonia and Latvia. More than 70 per cent of the project leaders in the proposed projects are women. 

”NordForsk is very pleased that the research community has succeeded so quickly in establishing Nordic-Baltic consortia aimed at providing new knowledge about COVID-19,” says Maria Nilsson, Special Adviser at NordForsk. ”The projects selected for funding this coming autumn have great potential to deliver important research findings that will be of benefit outside our region as well.” 

The grant applications will be assessed by an international expert panel in the course of the summer, and the NordForsk Board will take the final funding decision in October.  

Collaborative effort  
Research collaboration with a more regional approach in the field of health will be of great relevance and value for patients and society alike. The Nordic and Baltic countries have similar welfare systems, access to high-quality research infrastructures and publicly funded health care which, combined with the generally high level of public trust in research, are of particular strength in this context. 

Funding agencies  
The call is a collaborative effort between the Swedish Research Council, Academy of Finland, Innovation Fund Denmark, Research Council of Norway, Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNÍS), Estonian Research Council,  Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia, and NordForsk.  

Time frame  
Project funding will be available for the period 2020–2022. The total funding available under the call is approximately NOK 57 million.  

Call for proposals
Nordic Health Data Research Projects on COVID-19


Maria Nilsson

Maria Nilsson

Special Adviser