NordForsk is now announcing the third call under the Nordic Programme on Health and Welfare. This call is targeted towards establishing infrastructures based on Nordic registers of socio-economic and health–related data in order to facilitate cross-border research that addresses societal challenges.
Society has much to gain from enhancing the effectiveness of the health sector, and funding is now available for research projects aimed at developing innovative products, services and concepts that can be implemented in a practical manner in the health and welfare systems.
The initiative will be cross-disciplinary and will strengthen the knowledge base within Arctic research in a broad sense, thereby supporting integrated research efforts in health and medicine, humanities and social sciences, and natural sciences and technology.
The Nordic Programme on Health and Welfare seeks to meet the need for increased Nordic research cooperation within health and welfare. Funding is available for research projects addressing inequalities in the distribution of health and welfare.
Nordic Trial Alliance aims to increase the number of clinical trials in the Nordic region. A call has been issued with 6 million Norwegian kroner aimed to support ongoing Nordic clinical research studies or expansion of ongoing national studies into Nordic ones.
This call constitutes a second part of the sub-project entitled Nutrition, Learning and Health. The main objective of the sub-project is to generate better research-based knowledge about the connection between nutrition, learning and health among children and young people in the Nordic countries.
NordForsk in collaboration with the Academy of Finland; the Swedish Research Council; the Research Council of Norway; the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Iceland; and the Danish Council for Strategic Research is issuing a call for proposals for research projects in a newly established initiative entitled "Education for Tomorrow".