studying students

NordForsk to fund six university consortia

The call was met with great interest by Nordic higher education institutions, and international expert reviews determined that many of the applications held a very high standard. Of the 63 applications that were assessed, 21 were awarded one of the highest marks (6 or 7). The applications were first reviewed for scientific relevance and quality by international expert panels. Thereafter a Nordic expert group assessed the projects' potential to provide Nordic added value and the commitment and strategic support from their participating institutions.

At its meeting in Stockholm on 13 December 2017 the NordForsk Board selected the following university consortia for funding, based on the recommendation of the Nordic expert group:

Funding from NordForsk will comprise one-third of the financing for each consortium. The participating institutions themselves must contribute the remaining two-thirds. Altogether the consortia may have a total budget of NOK 540 million over a six-year period, towards which NordForsk will contribute up to NOK 180 million.

Initially NordForsk will allocate up to NOK 120 million for a three-year period. An evaluation of each consortium will determine whether NordForsk will continue to provide funding for a subsequent three-year period, for a total of up to NOK 60 million.

Disclaimer: This information may include errors and omissions. Only decisions communicated directly to the applicants through e-mail should be considered formal confirmations of allocation of funding. All applicants will receive a letter of decision by e-mail.



Lise-Lotte Wallenius

Senior Adviser