Nordic Added Value and Vision 2030

The NAV2030 project explores the conceptualization of the principle of Nordic added value across the work of the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministers, and the latter’s subsidiary institutions. The project builds on the recent findings but extends the scope by examining how a two-value system within official Nordic cooperation has evolved. By examining the tensions reflected in the ways in which different Nordic cooperation institutions perceive Nordic cooperation and the concept of Nordic added value, the project will shed light on the possibilities and limitations in operationalising Nordic added value as a standard in official Nordic cooperation related funding.


The NAV2030 project explores the conceptualization of the principle of Nordic added value (Nordisk nytta/nordiskt mervärde) across the work of the NC and NCM and the latter’s subsidiary institutions, operating in areas such as cultural diplomacy and research and innovation. The project builds on the recent projects initiated by the ReNEW consortium (Berg 2023; Liimatainen 2023), but extends their scope by examining how the two-value system and its alleged tensions are reflected in the ways in which different Nordic cooperation institutions perceive Nordic cooperation.

The main objectives of the NAV2030 project are:

  1. Provide a historical and cultural analysis of Nordic cooperation practices, along with an examination of the different justifications for Nordic cooperation.
  2. Analyze how Nordic added value has been used as a conceptual framework by various actors in Nordic cooperation in- and outside the Nordic region and expand on previous mappings to provide relevant definitions for future use.
  3. Identify current and future challenges facing Nordic cooperation, particularly in relation to Vision 2030, and develop tools to help the Nordic Council of Ministers and other relevant actors formulate goals and activities.

Pursuing those objectives, the project poses the following questions:

  • How is Nordic added value conceptualized within and across the two-tier value system of Nordic cooperation?
  • How is Nordic added value conceptualized within the different branches of Nordic cooperation, i.e. the NC, the NCM and the latter’s different subsidiary institutions?
  • How is Nordic added value conceptualized as a resource for Nordic cooperation and Nordic cultural diplomacy, respectively?
  • How is Nordic added value conceptualized in NCM institutions operating inside and outside the Nordic region, respectively?

Sub project

This project has a sub-project, led by Tuire Liimatainen. Read more about the project Nordic Added Value in Concept and Practice.


Guttorm Aanes. Photo: NordForsk

Guttorm Aanes

Head of Communications

Guttorm Aanes is responsible for strengthening the visibility and impact of Nordic research co-operation through owned and earned communication channels.

Guttorm holds a degree in media studies from the University of Oslo. In 2023, he completed a master's programme in PR management and strategic communication at BI Norwegian Business School.

Guttorm has extensive experience from Norwegian ministries and research institutes.

Guttorm is good at a lot of things. For example, how to punctuate.

LinkedIn profile

Siri Bjarnar. Photo: NordForsk

Siri Jørgensen Bjarnar

Chief Operating Officer