Man in a cabin in the forest
Photo: vorDa,

Five new projects on future working life in the Nordics and Lithuania

The projects address a wide range of issues with clear relevance for working life, ranging from understanding and intervening against sexual harassment at work to sustainable remote Nordic labour markets.

Sustainability is a cross-cutting theme across the projects funded, addressing for example work and ageing populations and inclusive hybrid work. One study specifically studies remote and flexible work arrangements and focuses on implications for both leaders and employees.

Senior Adviser Thomas Jacobsson says:
“We are really happy to say that we are funding five excellent projects that will be able to substantially contribute to the development of important new knowledge in the Nordic region and Lithuania. The projects have representation from Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Åland and Lithuania, and cover emerging topics that are vital to study in order to organise our working lives in a sustainable and inclusive way.”

The projects that receive funding have a budget of approximately nine million Norwegian kroner, and a duration of three to four years.  The total budget is NOK 46 million.

Project participants are from Iceland, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and – for the first time in NordForsk's history – Åland Islands.

The NordForsk future working life call was created with the goal of funding research relating to challenges in working life and to generate knowledge and solutions for a sustainable and inclusive future working life in a Nordic-Lithuanian context.

The call aims to enhance cross-border research collaboration within working life research, provide support for solid research environments, and fund excellent and innovative research with impact both within and beyond academia. It encourages interdisciplinary and comparative approaches.

Learn more about the research area Future Working Life

Funded projects


Thomas Jacobsson

Thomas Jacobsson

Senior Adviser
Guttorm Aanes. Photo: NordForsk

Guttorm Aanes

Head of Communications

Guttorm Aanes is responsible for strengthening the visibility and impact of Nordic research co-operation through owned and earned communication channels.

Guttorm holds a degree in media studies from the University of Oslo. In 2023, he completed a master's programme in PR management and strategic communication at BI Norwegian Business School.

Guttorm has extensive experience from Norwegian ministries and research institutes.

Guttorm is good at a lot of things. For example, how to punctuate.

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