The TruSTme project builds upon two fundamental considerations for global policymaking for health security governance in a Nordic context (1) the role of the environment in disease development and dissemination cannot be overlooked and (2) risk communication that is timely, consistent, transparent, and from a trusted source, is crucial to public engagement and acceptance (Cameron et al., 2022). The TruSTme project will explore Wastewater Treatment plants (WWTPs) as a trusted source of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) information to strengthen societal security and trust in Nordic countries. TruSTme will evaluate wastewater as a source of crisis information about precursor events of outbreaks of super bugs.
Moreover, TruSTme will demonstrate the need of systematic monitoring for timely intervention at WWTPs effluent to prevent AMR spread and secure a safe environment, thus ensuring societal security. Finally, TruSTme will identify potential points for harmonization and improvement in the AMR surveillance strategies and will look ahead towards Nordic solutions for open sharing and communication of AMR surveillance outcomes. The strong focus of TruSTme is communication, and discussions with representatives of local and national authorities as well as health and environmental agencies in order to understand the possibilities for solutions, legislation and implementation, of new tools to ensue societal security in the spirit of One Health philosophy, common responsibility for human and environment.