Hvordan træffer man den bedste beslutning, når man skal vurdere risikoen i farefulde miljøer? Forskningsprojekt viser, at erfaring ikke nødvendigvis er en fordel og kan få katastrofale følger.
Hvad kan vi lære om COVID-19 ved at studere kopper-epidemierne i 1700-tallet og andre historiske pandemier? Nyt nordisk forskningsprojekt skal ved hjælp af nordiske sundhedsdata studere pandemier i historisk perspektiv for at ruste Norden til fremtidige pandemier
For første gang finansierer NordForsk nu projekter under det tværvidenskabelige forskningsinitiativ med et samlet budget på omkring 176 millioner norske kroner. Emnerne spænder bredt - fra forskning i narhvalers stødtænder til smarte tekstiler og historiske perspektiver på pandemier.
The project strives to develop new knowledge crucial to design for sustainability in the urban after-dark. The strategy is to bring relevant disciplines together with representatives from design, technology, psychology and ecology
Drawing on unique access to large datasets of Nordic asylum case law from Denmark, Sweden and Norway, and an interdisciplinary team spanning law, computer science and medicine, NoRDASiL will produce a novel approach to answer two questions: What factors shape the production of national asylum decisions? and Why do asylum outcomes across similar cases differ so much from one another?
This project will produce cutting edge research publishable in the most prestigious academic journals and produce new and important knowledge about segregation and integration in Nordic countries.
The GUESSED project uses avalanche terrain as a test-bed for developing theories and tools – which will have an impact far beyond the snow covered mountains in the Nordic Countries.
We follow the principles of “Integrative Social Robotics,” a strictly value-oriented approach, and for this reason focus on the use of robots as facilitators of human social interactions, and not as replacements of human actors.